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Young Andrew Cherng
September 9, 2019
Andrew’s Panda Story
From humble beginnings in China to growing up in Taiwan, Japan, and America, Andrew joins Panda Expressed to share about his life and the experiences that have shaped him.

Show Notes

What you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • 0:30 – Lightning Round With Andrew
  • 3:17 –  Humble Beginnings In China
  • 6:10 – Taiwan Bound
  • 11:00 –  Leaving Taiwan For Japan
  • 14:13 – College Bound
  • 15:41 – When Andrew Met Peggy
  • 16:20 – Graduate School
  • 18:10 – Hollywood Hopes
  • 20:03 – Laying Down Roots In Pasadena
  • 23:22 – Lessons Learned